User Activity Auditing in Cloud Governance

May 06, 2022

User Activity Auditing in Cloud Governance

Cloud Governance is the process of managing resources, policies, and security for cloud-based applications and services. One critical aspect of Cloud Governance is User Activity Auditing. User Activity Auditing provides visibility into user actions within cloud environments and helps organizations identify suspicious or unauthorized activity.

In this blog post, we will compare three popular User Activity Auditing tools for Cloud Governance:

  1. AWS CloudTrail
  2. Azure Monitor
  3. Google Cloud Audit Logging

AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is a popular User Activity Auditing tool for AWS cloud environments. It provides a record of all AWS account activity and API calls made within an AWS environment. CloudTrail logs are encrypted and stored in an S3 bucket, and they can be analyzed with Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights.

AWS CloudTrail pricing is based on the number of events recorded and the amount of data ingested per event. The first 100,000 events per month are free, and after that, pricing starts at $0.50 per 100,000 events.

Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor is Microsoft's User Activity Auditing tool for Azure cloud environments. It provides a record of all Azure resource activity and API calls made within an Azure environment. Azure Monitor logs are stored in an Azure Log Analytics workspace, and they can be analyzed with Azure Log Analytics.

Azure Monitor pricing is based on the amount of data ingested and stored per day. The first 5 GB of data per month are free, and after that, pricing starts at $2.30 per GB.

Google Cloud Audit Logging

Google Cloud Audit Logging is Google's User Activity Auditing tool for Google Cloud Platform environments. It provides a record of all Google Cloud resource activity made within a Google Cloud environment. Audit logs are stored for 400 days and can be analyzed with Google Cloud Logging.

Google Cloud Audit Logging pricing is based on the amount of data ingested and stored per month. The first 50 GiB of data per month are free, and after that, pricing starts at $0.50 per GiB.


Tool Free Tier Encryption Storage Analysis
AWS CloudTrail 100,000 events per month Yes S3 Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights
Azure Monitor 5 GB per month Yes Azure Log Analytics workspace Azure Log Analytics
Google Cloud Audit Logging 50 GiB per month Yes Google Cloud Logging Google Cloud Logging


In conclusion, AWS CloudTrail, Azure Monitor, and Google Cloud Audit Logging are powerful tools for User Activity Auditing in Cloud Governance. Each tool offers unique pricing, storage, encryption, and analysis capabilities. Organizations must choose a tool that best suits their needs based on these factors.

So, which tool is the best? We'll leave that up to you to decide. But remember, whether you choose AWS CloudTrail, Azure Monitor, or Google Cloud Audit Logging, always practice good Cloud Governance!


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